Friday, October 9, 2020

Fm radio

Radio has different emotion in everyone life, FM has become part of everyone life we start our morning by listening to songs from FM, Today i want to share few experience with FM as electronics engineer i was quite curious about working and invention of FM radio

Few facts 

 scientist took almost 20 years to name the word  radio.

 Used in military and marine communication. In 20th century human voice they transmitted in air.

Few people feels its sound waves which is transmitted but its electromagnetic waves which is transmitted in radio.

In that hi fi Fm i wanted to share few details today how it works and what future holds for FM this is Fm which is found in vehicles to listen music,we need to connect to speakers and listen music, speakers need amplifier to boost the voice, home speakers always has inbuilt amplifier.

Manually we can change the channels. Transformers we need to use if we want to decrease the voltage and use it.

As we fix the channels we can listen the music


Now one program  runs in  one frequency

but in future multiple program will run in one frequency.

Mechanism of Radio.

Antenna present outside the vehicle , will attract the magnetic energy of the radio waves and send to FM Receiver.Then signals will be amplified then according to channel tuned we can listen to particular music

Few picture for reference.

Old FM with manual tuning

Nowadays we can see inbuilt FM in mobile for that Fm chips is inbuilt in mobile 

from large size to minute size it has changed.

Upcoming 20 years the availability of radio will changed but it will be part of our life. 

It has more than 100 million subscribers.internet has 170 million subscribers then we can feel the  influence of radio in everyone life

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